
 Mr and Mrs Jones’ house was full of suitcases, packages and packed-up boxes. The two of them were 1     with pencils and paper, 2   their luggage, when there was a 3    at the door. Mr Jones went to 4    it and saw a well—dressed middle—aged lady outside. The lady said that she lived in the house 5   theirs, and that she had come to 6   them to their new home.    The Jones invited here in, after 7   for the state of the house.    “Oh, 8   ,” she answered. “ Do you know in some parts of this 9   neighbours , are not all 10   ? There恩格斯说:“这是一次人类从来没有经历过的最伟大的、进步的变革,是一个需要巨人而且产生了巨人——在思维能力、热情和性格方面,在多才多艺和学识渊博方面的巨人的时代”。此处“最伟大的、进步的变革”指A.工业革命B.宗教改革C.明治维新D.文艺复兴
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