
小王因结交不良网友,沾染不良习气,从而走上违法犯罪道路。这警示我们A.珍爱生命,拒绝网络B.遵纪守法,拒交网友 C.远离网络,拒交网友D.遵纪守法,慎交网友   答案:D解析:小王之所以走上违法犯罪的道路是因为结交了不良的网友,这告诉我们在生活中我们要慎交友,要遵纪守法,不做违法乱纪的事,故选D。  根据对话内容,从题后方框内所给的A,B、C、D、E、F、G七个选项中选出五个,便对话完整,符合逻辑,句意正确,将答案序号写在题后横线上。 (A student meets his English teacher at the station after the summer holidays begin) S:Hello, Miss Li.How are you? T:Oh, fine, thank you.  1  .And how are you and your parents?S:We're all very well, too.Thanks. T:  2  ? S:My parents and I are going to see my grandparents in Shanghai. T:Are you?I'm going to Beidaihe.All the teachers are going. S:  3  ? T:For a week. S:We're coming back in a week, too.  4  . T:Thank you.Have a good trip.There goes the bell*   5  ; Goodbye. S:Bye
道德与法治 试题推荐