
Mr. Jackson was tired of living in his old house in the countryside and wanted to sell it and buy a better one. He tried to sell it for a long time, but was not successful, so at last he decided to go to an estate agent(房产经纪人). The agent advertised the house straight away, and a few days later, the owner saw a very beautiful photograph of his house, with a wonderful description of his garden in an expensive magazine. Having read the advertisement through, the house owner hurried to phone the estate agent, saying, “I'm sorry, Mr. Jones, but I've decided not to sell my house after 有学者说,在古代雅典,“政治领袖和演说家根本就是同义语”。这一现象是雅典 A.政治体制的产物                  B.社会矛盾缓和的反映 C.频繁改革的结果                  D.思想文化繁荣的体现
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