
     A report from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences' Commission reveals that, due to a job market which disproportionately rewards graduates in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and  mathematics) fields, more and more students are seeking degrees in business and hard-science subjects.      Some institutions have responded by cutting budgets in the arts and humanities and directing those  funds elsewhere. That's the wrong thing to do. The humanities-the study of languages , literature, history,  philosophy, religion, ethics, etc.-and the arts are vital to our f已经证实,质子、中子都是由称为上夸克和下夸克的两种夸克组成的,上夸克带电荷量为e,下夸克带电荷量为-e,e为电子所带电荷量的大小.如果质子是由三个夸克组成的,且各个夸克之间的距离都为l,l=1.5×10-15 m,试计算质子内相邻两个夸克之间的静电力(库仑力).
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