
    Television has increased all the speed   71   which news travels and it can bring situations and images into our homes that previous generations would not have had the opportunity to witness. How does television affect our lives? It can be   72   (help) to those who carefully choose the programs that they watch and harmful to those who watch it too much. In China, many people worry that kids and young people   73   (watch) too much television these days.       74   survey of 300 youngsters in Shanghai last year showed that, on the average, they spent half of 下面是关于某地某年逐月降水量柱状图和各月气温、降水分布表,对照图、表完成下列要求。 (1)在左上图中绘出该地气温年变化曲线。 (2)在上表中相应位置填写出4月份降水量数据。 (3)此气候类型有可能在右上图中①②③三地中的________地分布。
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