
Two years ago, I bought my girlfriend Nicole a pair of fur earmuffs (耳套). She loved the gift --she has worn the earmuffs for two winters now. Last week, Nicole was on her way home from work, riding the New York City subway. The train stopped at Union Square and Nicole got out. As she stepped through the subway doors, the earmuffs fell from her head, and dropped on the rails below. Nicole was upset. “Don’t go down to the rail,” somebody warned her. Good advice. Union Square is a busy station, with trains running past nearly every minute, and the platforms are curved in place儒家思想是中华民族传统文化的主流思想之一,宋朝的程朱理学是新兴的儒学。以下观点中属于程颢、程颐的是  [     ]A.“为政以德”,“节用而爱人”      B.“施政于民,省刑罚,薄税敛” C.“心即礼也”、“心外无物”        D.“万物皆只是一个天理”
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