
    In golf, we talk about handicaps. The lower the handicap, the better the golfer. A golfer with a handicap of 12 tends to play better than one with a handicap of 20. It means that for a golf course that normally takes a professional 72 strokes (击球) over 18 holes to play, a 12-handicap golfer would complete his full game with a score of 84 strokes. When it comes to creative thinking, is there such a handicap system? Can we describe a person as a 12-handicap in his creative thinking ability? Fortunately or unfortunately, there is no such system yet for creative thinking. But we如图所示是甲、乙两质量相等的振子分别做简谐运动的图象,则( )A.甲、乙两振子的振幅分别是2cm、1cmB.甲的振动频率比乙小C.前2s内甲、乙两振子的加速度均为正值D.第2s末甲的速度最大,乙的加速度最大
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