
Drawings of human colonies on other planets often picture the entire community under a glass or plastic bubble.The bubble is intended to create an atmosphere with adequate oxygen and other essential elements.But similar bubble-like structures have also been constructed on earth.One of the most famous, and controversial, is a site in the Arizona desert. Biosphere 2, as it is called, was built not far from Tucson in 1984 and is now run by Columbia University.This huge(7,200,000-cubic-foot)glass and steel construction contains several separate ecosystems, including a desert,细胞膜的结构特点是具有一定的流动性,下列实例中能反映该特点的是(  )①高尔基体形成的小泡与细胞膜融合;②吞噬细胞吞噬病菌;③小肠绒毛上皮细胞对Na+、K+的吸收;④核糖体中合成的蛋白质进入细胞核;⑤变形虫能出伪足. A、①②④B、②③④C、①②④⑤D、①②⑤
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