
A group of graduates got together to visit their old university professor.The conversation soon turned into__1__about stress in work and life.Offering his__2__coffee,the professor went to the kitchen and_3__with a large pot of coffee and a__4__of cups—porcelain,plastic glass,crystal,some plain­looking,some expensive,some exquisite (精致的),telling them to __5__themselves to the coffee. When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand,the professor said,“If you have_6___,all the nice­looking expensive cups have been__7__,leaving behind the plain and__8__ones依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是①广西禽流感疫情__ 后,广西出入境检验检疫局推出一系列措施,扶持企业渡过难关。②中国政府正在考虑和研究对规模庞大的事业单位进行__,此举涉及几千万靠政府支付工资的公共服务领域人员。③台湾“大选”刚刚结束,岛内又__ 起新一波询问移民热潮。4年前因“大选”而起的移民潮都还没有这一次厉害。A.扑灭   改革  爆发   B.消灭   变革   爆发C.消灭   变革  引发   D.扑灭   改革   引发
英语 试题推荐