
    We learned something was happening when one of the ship’s officers came up to the chief engineer, who was sit-ting at the table, and spoke to him in a low voice. The chief engineer got up at once, and with a short excuse, left the dining room. We thought that there had been an accident or that a fire had broken out. We soon noticed that the ship was slowing down, and then, with a sudden violent motion, it began to turn around. Some of the passengers stopped eating and rushed up to the deck (甲板). Others crowded around the ship windows and we finally joined the watchers.   下图为杭州交通线路空间分布图。据此完成下列各 题。【1】影响杭州湾口跨海大桥的主导因素是A. 科技 B. 经济 C. 岛屿分布 D. 城市密度【2】杭州湾口跨海大桥产生的 影响是A. 加强区域经济联系 B. 导致海洋污染加重C. 降低潮水发生频率 D. 加速区域发展失衡
英语 试题推荐