
Chuck Berry, the man often called the “father of rock and roll” is still performing at 85. Another music great, Smokey Robinson, has described Chuck Berry as “the inspiration for all of today’s rock 'n' roll guitarists. And, Anthony Kiedis calls him “a musical scientist who discovered a cure for the blues.” On stage, he became known for his wild performances, and his “duck walk” that many musicians copied. But his songwriting skills—some call him a rock and roll poet—and his guitar work really set him apart. Early in his career he played mostly blues for black audie阅读下面的一首诗,然后回答问题 水口行舟宋·朱熹昨夜扁舟雨一蓑,满江风浪夜如何。今朝试卷孤篷看,依旧青山绿树多。 (1)这首诗中诗人的情感变化富有层次,请结合具体词语简析之。 __________________________________________________________________________________(2)这首诗运用了什么艺术手法?诗人描绘的画面中蕴含着人生哲理,请细加品味,说一说你的看法。 __________________________________________________________________________________
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