
书面表达(满分25分) 如何交朋友(How to Make Friends)    人人都需要朋友。你认为怎么才能交到真正的朋友? 答案:  Finally, never believe in those who leave you when you are in trouble. And never leave your friend when he is in trouble. Remember, a friend in need is a friend indeed.     Friends should be faithful to each other. So long as you can put your friend’s interests in front of yours, you will have a lot of good friends.某科学兴趣小组为了研究杏仁对昆虫的毒害作用,做了如下实验:取三个相同的透明容器标为A,B,C;在A中加入少量的水和一定量的碎杏仁,在B中加入与A等量的碎杏仁,在C中加入与A等量的水.拧紧瓶盖,静置2小时,然后打开开瓶盖,在各容器铁丝网上分别放蚱蜢10只,再拧紧瓶盖(如图),观察并记录蚱蜢状态如下表:组时间蚱蜢状态1分钟2分钟3分钟4分钟实验组A活跃活跃不活跃大部分死亡实验组B活跃活跃活跃活跃实验组C活跃活跃活跃活跃(1)本实验对蚱蜢的选择有什么要求? .(2)设置对照组C的目的是 .(3)根据实验结果,试推测A组蚱蜢死亡的原因: .
英语 试题推荐