
阅读理解 ,阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。There are over 800 boarding (寄宿) schools in the UK with students from home and foreign countries. Boarding schools started hundreds of years ago in the country. But the earliest boarding schools were set up for white, rich boys only. Now both boys and girls can go to boarding schools from the age of 7 to 18.What to doIn the UK, boarding schools have three terms in a school year, with about 13 weeks in each term. Students study and live together. They can’t go outside if they are not allowed to. In some s下列关于细胞中化合物的叙述,不正确的是( )A.水是生化反应的介质,也为细胞提供生存的液体环境,所以没有水就没有生命B.蛋白质是生命活动的主要承担者,细胞中蛋白质的合成离不开氨基酸C.核酸能贮存遗传信息,在最基本的生命系统中,DNA是遗传物质,RNA不是D.糖类是细胞中主要的能源物质,主要原因是糖类所含能量比脂质高
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