
A sign can be found in the front yard of a house in the US. The people living here want to let their dog play outside and ensure it won’t run into the street. So, they hire a company to set up an “invisible fence”, an electric wire buried in the ground around the yard. The dog wears a special collar and when it walks near to the “fence”, the wire will send out a small shock. The dog quickly learns to stay away from the edge of the yard. As it says at the bottom of the sign, the fence will keep your dog “safe” (away from the street) and “at home” (contained inside the yard). “天宫一号”于北京时间2011年9月29日21时16分在甘肃酒泉卫星发射中心发射。回答题。 1.下列不包括“天宫一号”的天体系统是(  ) A.地月系           B.太阳系           C.河外星系         D.总星系 2.“天宫一号”发射时,伦敦(中时区)的区时是(  ) A.9月28日13时16分                   B.9月29日13时16分 C.9月29日21时16分                   D.9月30日21时16分
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