
Last night my husband and I  61  (take) a walk in a nearby parking lot when we saw a man bent over on the ground, crushing something. He was  62  (complete) focused on his task and didn’t look up at anyone  63  (pass) by. I thought he was crushing stones to make sand, but why would he do that? Finally we  64  (decide) to go up and speak to him. To our surprise, we found he was crushing pieces of left-over bread to make food for the birds. He had been doing this every night,  65  himself, for the last 4 years. He was  66  (surprise) that we were even taking  67  interes关于影响农业生产条件的说法,错误的是[  ] A.夏秋低温是危害我国北方农业生产的灾害性天气 B.寒潮、霜冻对东北地区农业生产危害极大 C.夏季全国普遍高温,而且雨热同期,不利于农作物生长 D.节约和合理利用灌溉水源,既能缓解华北地区的春旱,又可防止土壤盐碱化
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