
选官制度在人类文明的发展中得到不断的完善。 1855年、1870年英国政府相继发布了两个枢密院令,标志着英国近代文官制度的基本建立,下列对这一制度产生背景的分析不正确的是                                                 (    ) A.资本主义制度在英国确立并巩固 B.英国的工业革命已经完成 C.英国确立了世界霸主地位 D.资本主义世界体系已经形成I had never had a birthday party before,so at my “ripe old” age.I decided to throw one for myself.About 20 people____that they were coming.I don't have a lot of money,but I spent more than____in the $1 store to buy decorations and plates.I had a tiny____in order to ford all of them.I sat,I____,and,although all of my “friends” had said they were coming,no one____!The celebration was supposed to____at 12 noon.Here it was,4:00 pm,and____,no one was here.The ice-cream cake was____,the food on the barbecue was burnt beyond____.I tried really hard not to cry.I decided to sit back and relax,reflecting on the____moments that I did have.All of a sudden,I heard a roar of an engine,just outside my front door.Mr.Kenny,apparently,did____he could to show up.I cried in his____,sawing,"I'm not worth anything!"He wiped away my tears,____me tight,and said the____words:"I will always be your friend!" The dark clouds in my mind cleared away at once.He had had so many challenges and difficulties over his past couple of weeks,but he____to come.As we sat outside under a blanket of clear blue skies,laughing and____,I felt that I was____.He appeared just before I wanted to give up on this____world.Yes,life is beautiful.Yes,there are some people who love each other for over 50 years.____ there are some of us who do not have those luxuries(福气).However,never give up the____maybe it is round the comer.1.A. applied B. pretended C. confirmed D. required2.A. last B. usual C. first D. forever3.A. budget B. plan C. destination D. purpose4.A. doubted B. hesitated C. intended D. waited5.A. hanged out B. turned around C. checked in D. showed up6.A. open B. start C. launch D. close7.A. still B. also C. ever D. too8.A. freezing B. melting C. hardening D. breaking9.A. imagination B. control C. recognition D. repair10.A. wonderful B. terrible C. different D. similar11.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything12.A. clothes B. aims C. shoulders D. hands13.A. patted B. dragged C. struck D. held14.A. magical B. practical C. familiar D. thoughtful15.A. expected B. managed C. promised D. meant16.A. thinking B. talking C. fighting D. crying17.A. betrayed B. forgotten C. respected D. blessed18.A. risky B. kind C. mean D. bright19.A. though B. while C. when D. because20.A. chance B. dream C. hope D. idea
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