
 When you've seen a couple fighting or having a pity argument, what is the first thing that comes in your mind? Probably you think that you will never allow arguments to set in your relationship, especially when you get married, or will never think to start one, but arguments seem to come naturally. You argue about the brand of coffee, or what to eat at lunch, who will do the dishes, etc. Sometimes, more than that, but regardless of your reasons for the argument (or fight), fixing a troubled relationship and having a solution is very important. Our partners are our most valuable for下图为“a城到d城之间的高速公路建设规划示意图”。规划设计走向有甲、乙两个方案,经过比较分析,最终选择按乙方案建设,线路总长58.8千米,建设费用31亿元,比甲方案的预算费用多5亿元,长度多7千米。根据下图及相关信息,回答下列问题。(1)图中高速公路建设选择乙方案,其原因可能是(  )①单位距离建设成本低 ②沿河谷走向自然障碍小 ③促进沿线地区城镇发展 ④保护重点风景名胜区A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④(2)c地建休闲度假区最有利的区位条件是(  )A.环境承载量大,旅游配套设施好B.环境优美,旅游配套设施好C.环境承载量大,交通便捷,靠近市场D.环境优美,交通便捷,靠近市场
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