
            Body and Food Your body, which has close relations with the food you eat, is the most important thing you own, so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment (营养).The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”is not as silly as some people think. The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins in pill form, believing that these will make them healthy. But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesn’t need or use extra vitamins, so why书面表达假设你的英文名为Jack,是英国诺丁汉大学的中国留学生。你负责为在该校就读的32名中国学生筹划暑假期间的苏格兰之行,为期7天,请你给诺丁汉的STA(Students’ Travel Agency)经理Phil发一封电子邮件,联系有关事宜。要点如下:1. 希望能够派车接送;2. 需要一名说标准英语,并非常熟悉苏格兰的导游;3. 请求告知旅行日程及就餐、旅馆、费用等情况;4. 你的联系方式:电子邮箱地址:Jackwang@yahoo.com.cn或电话号码:07747745007注意:(1)词数:100词左右;(2)开头和结尾已为你写出,不计入总词数;(3)参考词汇:诺丁汉大学Nottingham University; 旅馆住宿accommodation;旅行日程安排itinerary;长途客车coach。Hi, Phil,I’d like you to organize a trip to Scotland for us.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours truly,Jack
英语 试题推荐