
First lady Michelle Obama has some advice for some Tennessee High School graduates: Strike your own path in college and life and work to overcome inevitable difficulties with determination and courage. The first lady told the 170 graduates that she spent too much of her own time in college focusing on academic achievements. While her success in college and law school led to a high-profile(备受瞩目) job, she said, she ended up leaving to focus on public service. “My message to all of you today is this: Do not waste a minute living someone else’s dream,”she said. “It takes a1. 下列各组词语中字形和加点字的注音全部正确的一组是(   )A. 原驰蜡象(là) 分外妖娆(fèn)  山舞银蛇    沁园春(qìn)B. 江山多骄    稍逊风骚(s?o)  惟余莽莽(māng) 竞折腰C. 一代夫骄     略输文采  还看今朝(zhāo) 俱往矣D. 成吉思汗(hàn) 数风流人物(shǔ)  红装素裹(guǒ)  射大雕
英语 试题推荐