
71. I like the house very much. The Christmas lights give it a festive __________(气氛). 72. Farmers ____________(溶解)man-made chemicals to grow their plants.   73. This scientist has come up with a new ____________(理论) in his research field.  74. The new hospital which is under construction will ____________ (有益于) the entire community.  75. Strange thoughts___________ (浮现) into my mind when I was nearly asleep. 76. Don’t talk about such a thing in the p___________ of young children. 77. I have no p ___________ with people who are always 调换顺序,给下面句子换个说法(可适当增减个别字词)。1、中国明代的官员万户,是世界历史上第一个试验乘火箭上天的人。_____________________________________________2、中国成为世界上第五个能够发射卫星的国家。_______________________________________3、载人航天工程,是中国航天史上规模最大、技术最复杂、安全性和可靠性要求最高的跨世纪重点工程。_______________________________
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