
During my third year of university,I was searching for a place to live.One Sunday after church,the pastor told me to stay in his daughter's room because his daughter was studying abroad for one year. To be (16)    ,I really did not want to stay withthe pastor's family.He told me how much the (17)               would be﹣a very low figure that (18)   one home﹣cooked meal a day.I thought about the (19)   and decided to move in. At the end of the term I had planned to find (20)       living place,since the daughter was to(215.阅读下面的材料,按要求答题。    人民日报海外版4月29日电 玉都放彩,美玉生辉。2013年5月9日,由中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会、河南省人民政府等单位主办的中国南阳第九届玉雕节暨国际玉文化博览会将在南阳市举行。白河之畔,玉雕精品荟萃,大师云集,一场看玉、赏玉、论玉的文化盛宴,令人对这座拥有1100万人口的城市心生向往。南阳玉文化是中华玉文化发展的典型代表,产于南阳的独山玉有“东方翡翠”之称,是中国四大名玉之一。目前,南阳市拥有玉雕从业人员35万人,年产值达200多亿元,已成为国内最具实力的玉雕销售、生产、加工集散地。(1)给这则新闻拟写一个标题。(不超过25个字)(2)材料中划线句有语病,请写出修正意见。
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