
  Dear Max,Your mother and I don't yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. We believe all lives have equal value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generations than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here.Our hopes for your generation focus on two ideas: advancing human potential and promoting equality.   Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges. I will cont中国完全陷入半殖民地半封建社会深渊,这主要是指(   )A.中国自给自足的自然经济完全解体B.帝国主义直接控制清政府的内政外交C.赔款数量大,清政府被帝国主义完全控制 D.清政府完全成为列强的侵华工具
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