
阅读理解(一)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。 Tom, Beijing, China   In fact, yes! I haven’t changed a lot. Some of my high school classmates saw me recently, and they said I look exactly the same as I used to be. They haven’t seen me for over ten years! So I don’t think I’ve changed so much.Ruth, New York, the USA  Of course not! I used to wear glasses, but now I don’t wear them. I used to be small and some big girls in high school often laughed at me, but now I’m very tall and strong. I’m glad I’ve changed.Martin, Paris, France将下列地区与其美称、别称正确组合:地区美称、别称甲.俄罗斯A.世界办公室乙.澳大利亚B.天然橡胶的故乡丙.印度C.世界加油站丁.巴西D.世界活化石博物馆
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