
                                             光  头                                                                      安勇     石城北街肉铺掌柜王二麻子正专心对付一块骨头,他八岁的儿子王有才跑了过来,挺着小胸脯,郑重其事地说:“爹,我想剃个光头。”王二麻子手里的那块骨头不太好剃,似乎是他十几年屠夫生涯中遭遇到最难剃的一块骨头。王二麻子心里就有些发烦,没说行    On Tuesday, August 14,2007 at about 00:45,my friend and l were watching for meteors(流星)in our yard.I saw a large triangular shaped(三角形的)thing flying across the sky.It was traveling from south to north.It seemed to have all orange fight。It only took about 5—8 seconds to travel across the sky.The most amazing thing was that it was really quiet as it traveled.We live near the airport and often hear the sound of airplanes.However, this one was really quiet.When we saw it,we both said.“What is that?” It disappeared behind a large tree in our yard.It surprised both of us and we began to describe it to nay father.Our descriptions were the same.We then went inside the house and we both drew what we saw.We hope that there are other people who were looking at the sky at the stone time that evening and saw what happened. 1.What were they doing at 00:45 0n August 14,20077     A.They were walking down the street.     B.They were reading in the yard.     C.They were watching for meteors.     D.They were doing their homework. 2.What surprised them most?      A.It was a large triangle---shaped thing.     B.There was no sound when the thing traveled.     C.It only took about 5—8 seconds to travel across the sky.     D.It seemed to have an orange light. 3.How many people saw the accident that evening? A.Two.                                                   B.Three. C.Four.                                                      D.We don't know. 4.What does the underlined word “disappear’ ’mean in Chinese?     A.出现                   B.消失                    C.存在                   D.坠毁 5.We can learn from the passage that               .     A.they can often see planes in the sky     B.the writer's father also saw the strange thing     C.many people like to watch the sky at night     D.the large triangular shaped thing flying across the sky was a plane
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