
With only about 1,000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone (克隆) the animal and save the endangered species(物种).That's a move similar to what a Texas A&M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah's Ark”. Noah's Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos(胚胎),semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen(氮). If certain species should become extinct, Dr.Duane Kraemar, a professor in Texas A&M University Medicine, says there would be enough of the basic buil子曰:“为政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而众星共之。”朱熹注解为:“为政以德,则无为而天下归之”,达到“不动而化、不言而信、无为而成”的效果。这表明儒家的“无为”A. 植根于道家的无为思想 B. 与道家的实施路径相同C. 始终以百姓的利益为重 D. 要求君主作为道德典范
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