
English as a second language (ESL) websites for children can help build vocabulary, teach correct spelling and pronunciation of words, and assist with basic grammar such as understanding sentence structure, parts of speech, tenses, and singular and plural word forms. English learning websites for children include: •ESL Kid is an organized website that serves as a comprehensive directory of English as a second language resources for children, teachers, and parents. There are categories for different subjects, such as ABC games, dictionary, spelling, literature and music. Since this is just a 如图所示,固定的锥形漏斗内壁是光滑的,内壁上有两个质量相等的小球A和B,在各自不同的水平面做匀速圆周运动,以下说法正确的是( )A.A的线速度大于B的线速度B.A的角速度大于B的角速度C.A的加速度大小等于B的加速度大小D.A对漏斗内壁的压力小于B对漏斗内壁压力
英语 试题推荐