
My mother sets a good example for me. She is always ready to     41    .  The railroad tracks (轨道) were within a mile of our house. “Beggars”(乞丐) would     42    the doors in our neighborhood in summer asking for food. They were often turned away. Others simply ignored (忽略) the knocks.  My mom always went to the door smiling. She would     43     them to come in and have something to eat. She would     44    a beautiful tablecloth and set the table as carefully as she did for    45     people. She would pour their coffee and pile 下面是1969年美国宇航员首次登上月球的图片,这时美苏争霸的态势是A.互有攻守B.苏攻美守C.美攻苏守D.和平共处
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