
     He wishes the holiday season would end already . His back aches , his red suit feels like a spacesuit , his cheeks have gone tight from smiling for 12 hours —and still the kids keep coming and coming , like ants at a picnic . As Christmas becomes more commercialized (商业化) across the U. S. and Canada , so must Santas . As the holiday begins earlier each year, so must its spokesmen .      The questions from children these days are harder than ever . Now, with thousands of children expecting a father or mother serving in Iraq or Afghanistan , the questions are as heart-brea下列诗句朗读节奏有错误的一项是 (  )   A、问/苍茫/大地,随主/沉浮   B、携来/百侣/曾游,忆/往昔/峥嵘岁月/稠   C、指点/江山,激扬文字,粪土/当年/万/户侯   D、看/万山/红遍,层林/尽染
英语 试题推荐