
单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 61. Yuan Longping is quite s_______ ( 满意的 )with his life. 62. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvest without e______ (伸展,使变大)the area of the fields. 63. She spent her life c______ (参加运动)for women’s rights. 64. I love roast pork and f______ rice (炒饭) 65. You must ask for p______(允许) before taking pictures in the church. 66. She was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends that she did not c______(咨询) a doctor. 67. We missed the first few s______ (幕, 场) of the play because w下图为我国某区域图,图中A地区农业发展中存在较明显的土壤盐碱化问题,其产生的主要原因是(  ) ①纬度较高,冻土发育,含盐水分不易下渗  ②气候干旱,降水少,蒸发旺盛  ③农业耕种过程中,长期采用大水漫灌的灌溉方式  ④地处河谷地区,水流平缓,对土壤侵蚀作用微弱 A.①②                    B.①③?               C.②③                 D.③④??
英语 试题推荐