
阅读下面的文言文,完成10~13题(16分) 张仪①受辱 张仪者,魏人也。始尝与苏秦俱事鬼谷先生,学术②,苏秦自以不及张仪。张仪已学游说诸侯。尝从楚相饮,已而楚相亡璧,门下意张仪,曰:“仪贫无行,必此盗相君之璧。”共执张仪,掠笞数百,不服,醳③之。其妻曰:“嘻!子毋读书游说,安得此辱乎?”张仪谓其妻曰:“视吾舌尚在不?”其妻笑曰:“舌在也。”仪曰:“足矣!”……张仪既相秦,为文檄④告楚相曰:“始吾从若饮,我不盗【2014年内蒙古通辽市中考】阅读下面的对话,从方框内7个选项中选择恰当的句子完成对话。(有两项多余)A: Welcome to I COOL, YOU COOL, madam. Can I help you?B: 【1】A: This way, please. These are the latest fashion. 【2】B: It looks cool. But I don’t like bright green.A: We’ve got other colours: pink, grey, dark, red and yellow. 【3】B: Pink. Could you show me that light pink one?A: 【4】 And it’s very thick.B: I like it. 【5】A: It was 100 dollars and now it’s only 80 dollars.B: That’s a great price. I’ll take it.A. What’s your favourite?B. How much is the bright green one?C. Certainly! It’s very beautiful, isn’t it?D. How much does it cost?E. I want to buy a coat.F. Yes, I think it’s my size.G. What do you think of this one?
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