
下列句子中加点词语书写有错误的一项是(    )(2分) A.雨季来临,大雨瓢泼,河水一下子涨了起来,波涛汹涌地流向远方。 B.蜻蜓纵情的吮吸着荷叶上的露水,叶子下的水面泛起阵阵涟漪。 C.在人生的漫漫征途中,失败是常有的事,但只要不恢心,成功将永远属于我们。  D.夜深了,白天繁杂而躁动的都市也透出了几分安谧,几分宁静。完型填空从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A couple(夫妻) have a son and a daughter, and they are twins. They live in a ________ near Nanjing. Their house is very small with only three rooms. No washing machine, and no ________ to keep food in.The twins are ________ students. They are in the ________ grade this year. They must do a lot of homework at home. But they don't have a ________ . They have to do their homework at the dining table. Every morning, they go to school on one bike. And when they are ________ from school, they do a lot of housework for their parents.They live a hard life. But the family is always________of fun. They often sit on their old sofa and ________ about school life and the children's beautiful future there.The family becomes famous ________ it donates(捐赠) 2,000 Yuan to Project Hope. When people ask them why they are so generous(慷慨), the father always says, “We know ________ people feel when their children can't go to school.”1.A. river B. town C. palace D. field2.A. bridge B. TV C. fridge D. room3.A. both B. all C. not D. no4.A. nineth B. nine C. ninety D. ninth 5.A. bed B. study C. book D. teacher6.A. back B. go C. come D. be7.A. full B. many C. have D. has8.A. chats B. is chatting C. chat D. chat9.A. so B. because C. but D. /10.A. how B. why C. what D. Whose
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