
 “Only connect” said the British novelist E.M. Forster. But how exactly do we reach out to strangers? We may get some inspiration from a wildly popular blog called Humans of New York. Since its 2010 launch, it has accumulated millions of followers on social media and is now a bestselling book. Brandon Santon, 30, is the creator of the blog. He has made it a habit of approaching people on the streets of New York City and asking them for a photograph and a chat. He has managed to get thousands of complete strangers to open up to him with personal stories of their friendships, strug传统的聚落建筑风格打上各地自然环境的烙印。关于下列地区的民居说法与实际情况不相符的是( )A. 黄土高原——窑洞 B. 北京——四合院C. 北极地区——冰屋 D. 西亚——高架屋
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