
Today’s drivers may feel shocked by the high price of petrol when they drive to the gas station. However, the car industry has the technology to solve the problem. It’s the hybrid car(混合动力汽车).    What is a hybrid car? Any car that uses two or more sources of power is a hybrid car. Most hybrid cars on the road right now are petrol-electric hybrids. The petrol-electric hybrid car is just what it sounds like — a cross between a petrol-powered car and an electric car.     A gas-powered car has a fuel tank(油箱), which supplies petrol to the engine. An electric ca10.把下列句子组成语意连贯的语段,排序最恰当的一项是(  )①这种艺术上的形式化往往遭浅人唾骂。②这些风格的创始者,他们的目的正在使艺术和自然之中有一种距离。③古希腊和中国旧戏的角色表演时用歌唱的声调,不像平常说话。④它固然时有流弊,其实也含有至理。⑤如果艺术的最高目的仅在于这样妙肖人生和自然,又何取乎艺术呢?⑥艺术上有许多地方,乍看起来,似乎不近情理。A.⑥④②③①⑤B.③①⑤④⑥②C.⑥③①④②⑤D.⑤⑥③②①④
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