
第二节 短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分) 86. He didn’t account of the reason why he was late.         86.___________ 87. Don’t forget to remind him attend the meeting.           87___________ 88. I think we should start at the dawn to get there in time.     88.__________ 89. You are supposed to apologize for him for your coming late. 89.__________ 90.The boy has a gift of music, which is dear to him.          90.___________ 91. It’s important that theory should be combined into theory.   91.____ 92. The hen lied two eggs last nigh“有人闯红灯被交警拦了下来。交警:同志,你没有看到红灯吗?闯红灯者:看到啦!交警:那你怎么还闯红灯呀?闯红灯者:但我没有看到你呀!交警:是交通规则,不是交警规则,交通安全,人人安全!”这则公益广告告诉我们( )①社会生活不能没有规则 ②法律的实施主要靠人们的自觉性③遵守交规就是尊重生命 ④过红绿灯时要注意看有没有交警A. ①③ B. ②④ C. ①② D. ③④
英语 试题推荐