
用解剖针挑取少许番茄果肉制成的玻片标本叫做A.临时装片B.临时涂片C.临时切片D.永久涂片 答案:A解析:略根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。Chinese people are among the most hospitable(热情好客的) people in the world.If a foreigner goes to a Chinese home, he would be 【1】(感到惊奇的) at the warmth that he would receive as a guest.When you visit a Chinese home, the host usually makes 【2】(茶) for you to welcome you.Then he will serve you【3】(点心,小吃) like nuts or candy.Someone in the home will also 【4】(聊天) with you, never letting you feel 【5】(寂寞的).Meanwhile, other family members of the home will【6】(准备) a meal for you.Chinese people 【7】(招待) their guests with a big meal.They always present more food than the guests can eat.At the table, the guests must be the first to eat.And the host usually picks food for visitors.They want to make sure that you are 【8】(放松的) and eat like you are at home. As you finish eating, they will still put more food in your【9】(碗).Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition.As Confucius said 【10】(千) of years ago, “To meet friends from afar, how happy we are!”
生物 试题推荐