
What comes into your mind when you think about robots? Do you imagine armies of evil metal monsters planning to take over the world? Or, perhaps of mechanical men who have been created as guards or soldiers by a mad genius? Or maybe you think of man- like robots who act, think, and look like human beings. In fact robots like these have more to do with science fiction films than with real life. In the real world robots are machines that do jobs which otherwise have to be done by people. Robots either operate by themselves or under the control of a person.In a car factory, for example, robot mac《红军不怕远征难?突破封锁线》中唱道:“三十昼夜飞行军,突破四道封锁墙……全军想念毛主席,迷雾途中盼太阳。”这里的“迷雾”是指A.右倾机会主义 B.“左”倾错误C.蒋介石对红军的第五次“围剿” D.日本对中国的侵略
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