
No one gets through life without experiencing many disappointments. Strangely, though, most people seem unprepared for disappointment and react to it in negative ways. They feel depressed or try to escape from their troubles instead of using disappointment as an opportunity for growth. One negative reaction to disappointment is depression. A woman trying to win a promotion, for example, works hard for over a year in her department. Helen is so sure she will get the promotion. In fact, she has already picked out the car she will buy when her salary increase comes through. However, the boss name阅读下面古诗,完成下列小题。咏山泉储光羲(唐)山中有流水,借问不知名。映地为天色,飞空作雨声。转来深涧满,分出小池平。恬淡无人见,年年长自清。(1)第二联中“为天色”“作雨声”写出了山泉怎样的特点?__________________________________________________________________(2)托物言志是本诗的一大特色,请就此作具体赏析。__________________________________________________________________
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