
日常生活中的民谚和俗语蕴含着丰富的物理知识。平时如果注意分析,就可以在实际生活 中深化和活化物理知识。下面是佳彧同学从物理学角度对民谚或俗语的解释,其中解释不正 确的是(        ) A.麻绳提豆腐──提不起来 解释:在压力一定时,如果受力面积小,则压强就大。 B.扇子有凉风,宜夏不宜冬。 解释:扇扇子时,会降低空气的温度,夏天觉得凉快舒服,冬天易受凉感冒。 C.一滴水可见太阳,一件事可见精神 解释:一滴水相当于一个 完形填空。      I had a great day __1__. I went to the beach with __2__ friend Dave. The weather was nice __3__ sunny. We ran on the beach and we went __4__. Dave is __5__ than me, so he swims very fast. We saw  dolphins in the water in the evening.  We went for __6__ walk in the park across from Dave's house.    That night I __7__ at his house.  His mother cooked and we ate beef noodles and dumplings for dinner. The food was __8__. We also have __9__ ice cream for dessert.    Then we played computer games and watched TV. It was __10__. (     ) 1.A. of            (     ) 2.A. me            (     ) 3.A. and           (     ) 4.A. swim          (     ) 5.A. athletic      (     ) 6.A. an            (     ) 7.A. stay.         (     ) 8.A. small         (     ) 9.A. strawberry    (     ) 10.A. fun day       B. off             B. my              B. but             B. swims           B. much athletic   B. a               B. to stay         B. beautiful       B. strawberries    B. a fun day       C. away             C. I                C. so               C. swimming         C. more athletic    C.the              C. stayed           C. delicious        C. an strawberry    C. a  fine days     D. out             D. we              D. then            D. to swim         D. too athletic    D. /              D. stays           D. badly           D. a strawberry    D. fine days      
物理 试题推荐