
D The Life Lab Garden Classroom is a two-acre, interactive (互动k!s#5^u的)and educational garden located at the Center for Agro-ecology(农业生态) and Sustainable Food Systems Farm on the university of California, Santa Cruz campus. People of all ages can discover ecological concepts in this hands-on, living laboratory. Learn about plants, nature, weather, organic(绿色的) gardening, life cycles. The Garden Classroom is open to the public every day from 8 am to 6 pm. Free Admission! The Garden Classroom offers: FieldTripsTheGarden Classroom offers guided garden-based field沙坪坝区正在创建全国文明城区,相信你对环境保护已有了新的认识。下列有关说法正确的是( )A. 环卫工人可以直接将垃圾堆放到人烟稀少区 B. 清洁工就地将落叶焚烧C. 对餐饮业的油烟排放进行严格把关 D. 周边农区禁止喷洒农药
英语 试题推荐