
写出下列实验所需仪器的名称: (1)量取一定体积的液体需用 ___________;(2)在酒精灯上燃烧红磷需用 ___________; (3)燃烧镁带时需用 _____________ 夹持,在酒精灯上点燃后移到 __________ 上燃烧; (4)任意写出一种经磨砂处理过的玻璃仪器 ____________。 答案:(1)量筒,胶头滴管  (2分,1个1分)    (2) 燃烧匙   (3) 坩埚钳   石棉网    (4) 集气瓶 或广口瓶 或细口瓶 或滴瓶 (答案合理即可) — Would you please give an example to show how useful a computer is?    — Sure. __________ people get __________ information from it every day. A. The number of; a lot of    B. A huge number of; plenty of C. Many a; a great deal of    D. Lots of; a lot
化学 试题推荐