
One day, Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he 61.      (find) that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son, “Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it: neither too much 62.      too little.” His son looked surprised. “I can understand why I shouldn’t pay too much, Father, but if I can pay less, 63.       not save a bit of money?” “That would be a very 64.       (reason) thing to do in a big city, but it could destroy a small village like ours,” Nick said. 每年暑假都会有数以万计的大学生开展千村科技扶贫,万户健康普查,法律宣传进万家等活动。这些活动,能够使青年学生 ①思想感情得到熏陶,思想觉悟得到启发 ②物质生活得到充实,生活水平得到提高 ③道德意识得到增强,道德境界得到升华 ④精神生活得到充实,精神面貌得到改观 A.①②③B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
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