
--- I know how much it will take you to buy a ticket for sporting events of the 2008 Olympic Games. --- How did you know it? --- It was in the website www. tickets. Beijing 2008.cn        you can buy the tickets for the opening ceremony for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on August 8         I found the full details about tickets prices for them. A.where; that      B.which; that       C.that; which       D.where; which(1)实验与观察:(用“>”、“=”或“<”填空)当x=-5时,代数式x2-2x+2 1;当x=1时,代数式x2-2x+2 1;…(2)归纳与证明:换几个数再试试,你发现了什么?请写出来并证明它是正确的;(3)拓展与应用:求代数式a2+b2-6a-8b+30的最小值.
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