
下列各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是(     )(2分) A.学习是一个长期积累的过程,那种一曝十寒的做法是不可取的。 B.“一江春水向东流”这一神奇的比喻把李煜的愁绪抒发得淋漓尽致。 C.每逢税务大检查,总有一些不法商人随机应变,弄虚作假,妄图躲过应有的惩罚。 D.雅典奥运会上,刘翔在男子110米栏比赛中一举夺冠,一夜间成了家喻户晓的人物。阅读理解。     Have you ever had problems in your life and don't know how to be happy? If so, you will find Being a Happy Teenager written by an Australian writer Andrew Matthews useful. In his book, Matthews tells us how to have a happy life and answers the questions of teenagers.      There are many subjects, such as parents and friends, and the book says we should stop being angry and learn to forgive. ①The book tells us some useful skills, such as how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to make your memory better.      Many teenagers think that ②______ comes from a good exam result ③______ praise (表扬) from other people. But you can still be happy when there are no such "good" things. Success comes from a good attitude, you learn from thinking about things in a positive way. If you are tall, people notice you and you can get a better view at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes take less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews' most important lesson: you choose to be happy! 1. 将画线部分①处译成汉语。     _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Why can you still be happy when there are no such “good” things?     _____________________________________________________________________ 3. 在②和③处填入适当的单词,使句子完整。    ___________  ___________ 4. 在文中找出与“We should learn to get on well with others instead of being angry”意思相同的句子。     _____________________________________________________________________ 5. 在文中找出能表达主题的句子。   _____________________________________________________________________ 
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