
DBeyond two or three days,the world’s best weather forecasts are doubtful, and beyond six or seven they are worthless.The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weather—to a global forecaster,small can mean thunder—storms and blizzards(暴风雪)—any prediction becomes worse rapidly. Errors and uncertainties increase,from dust devils and storms up to continent-size eddies(旋涡)that only satellites can see.The modern weather models work with net-like points sixty miles apart,and even so,some starting data have to be guessed,since ground stations and sa蜈蚣、蚰蜒和马陆等动物的身体上有许多对步足,其运动方式是(  ) A、行走B、爬行C、飞行D、游泳
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