
某学生在测电灯泡的电阻时,不慎把电流表(量程0~3A)与电压表(量程250V)的位置交换了,如图14-10-2所示.这样将造成(    ) A.电流表烧坏              B.电压表烧坏        C.灯泡烧坏           D.灯泡不亮 答案:D 四、阅读下面的email,根据括号里的提示,用合适的数词填空 Dear Jane, This is my 1 (第三) e-mail to you. I'd like to invite you to our town.My home is only about 2 (三百五十) metres from my school. You just need to walk along (、沿着) Yuxiu Road and turn left. You’ll see the gate of Anju Garden. More than 3 (三千五百) people live here. Go into it,and you’ll see some buildings on your left. I live in the 4 (第五) building. It's tall. 5 (九十六) families live in this building. My flat is on the 6 (第二十) floor. The room number is 7 (二零一三) .It will be my 8 (十四) birthday next week. And my party will be on the 9 (十二) of this month. Will you be free then? By the way,I came 10 (第二) in last week's exam (考试) .I am really happy now.Love, Wendy1.  2. 3. 4.  5.  6. 7.  8.  9.
物理 试题推荐