
Robin asked us to share inspiring favorite words that other people had spoken. As I rolled through ideas in my head. My   36    kept relearning  to an event from my youth.The words spoken were not  37  in their delivery .The person who received them wasn’t me. And, the life-changing event  38 to someone else. But I remember it very well. My friend Evonne was a skinny little girl. We weren’t best friends. But we were 39 .We  40  a classroom every year from 2nd through8th grade. Hing school got us into other groups of fellow students and we kept up our friendship 41 .But then the 7.造成印度粮食生产很不稳定的自然灾害是(  )A.寒潮B.滑坡、泥石流C.地震D.旱涝
英语 试题推荐