
第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) When I first heard that Zhang Yimou, China’s leading director most well-known for Hero in the West, was remaking the Coen Brothers’ first film, Blood Simple, a question immediately came into my mind: Would A Simple Noodle Story be directed by the good Zhang Yimou or the bad Zhang Yimou? The answer: neither.      Starting with his first time as a cinema-photographer on Yellow Earth right after graduating from film school in the early 80s, everything Zhang shot was inspired. In the late 80s and early 90s, he direc(本题满分8分)2011年4.18期间,扬州吸引了许多外地游客.小刚也随爸爸从上海来扬州游玩,由于仅有一天的时间,小刚不能游览所有风景区.于是爸爸让小刚上午从A.瘦西湖、B.茱萸湾风景区中任意选择一处游玩;下午从C.个园、D.何园、E.世界动物之窗中任意选一处游玩.【小题1】⑴ 请用树状图或列表法说明小刚所有可能选择的方式(用字母表示);【小题2】⑵在⑴问的选择方式中,求小刚恰好选中A和E这两处的概率.
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