
Body language is very important in communication. Studies  36   that only 70% of the communication in daily  37   is in words. Westerners expect people 38   at each other in the eyes when they   39   . If you don’t do that while you are talking, it may show that you do not like the person,   40   that you are not interested in   41   the person says. When   42   hands, westerners will shake two or three times. Do not shake a   43    hand for a long time. When a man shakes hands  with a   44  , it is    45   for the woman to hold对下列句中文言句式的判断,正确的一项是①父母宗族,皆为戮没 ②燕国秦王购之金千斤,邑万家 ③燕王拜送于庭 ④太子及宾客知其事者A.①②相同,③④不同B.①②相同,③④相同C.①②不同,③④相同D.①②不同,③④不同
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