
补写下列名篇名句中的空缺部分。(任选5题) ⑴其为人也,______________,乐以忘忧,不知老之将至云尔。《《<论语>七则》》 ⑵______________,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。(王羲之《兰亭集序》) ⑶分野中峰变,____________。(王维《终南山》) ⑷念去去.千里烟波,_______________。(柳永《雨霖铃》) ⑸俶尔远逝,__________________,似与游者相乐。(柳宗元《小石潭记》) ⑹____________________,远近高低各不同。(苏轼《题西林壁》) ⑺东风不与Some people have complained about this year's collection, New Writing 3, although I cannot understand why. Surely 500 pages of original writing of this quality, for £ 6.99, is pretty amazing? Fiction-both parts of novels and complete short stories-makes up most of the book. There are some enjoyable pieces by famous writers, such as Candia McWilliam and Rose Tremain. It's a strange fact that the less well-known people seem to have written mainly about food. Take my advice about Jane Harris's Those Nails-this piece should definitely not be read just after meals. It contains some very unpleasant scenes which could turn your stomach! There is fine work from nineteen poets, including R.S. Thomas and John Burnside. There are pieces from novels-in-progress by Jim Crace and Jane Rogers. Finally, there is a little non-fiction, which includes a very funny article by Alan Ursula Owen. This is an exceptional collection and I for one can't wait to see what next year's choice will include. 72. The writer of this passage is trying to give ________. A. her (his) opinions about a new book B. some information about new writers C. some advice to new writers D. her (his) opinions of newspaper journalists 73. The readers will ________ after reading the text. A. find out more details about New Writing 3 B. learn what next year's collection will contain C. find out something about Alan Ursula Owen's new novel D. have no idea how to read a good book 74. The writer suggested that you might feel ________ after reading Jane Harris's piece. A. hungry B. excitedC. happy D. sick 75. Which of the following statements best describes New Writing 3? A. Great value: two novels, poems and articles for only£6.99 B. Great value: the best of new writing for only£6.99 C. Great value: poems by Tremain, Harris and Burnside for only£6.99 D. Great value: newspapers for a whole year with only two novels, poems and articles for only£6.99
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