
Two birds are looking for 61. ______ideal(理想的) place to live in, only 62._______(find) a tree-like chimney (烟囱) with heavy smoke rising from 63.______. Poisoned 64.___________(serious), they drop dead from the sky. 65._______(see) the picture, I feel quite sorry for the birds. I think just 66.____ people want to live a good life, all the other living things also have the right to live in the world,so we must leave more space for birds and other animals. Besides, we must take measures to control 67.______(pollute) to protect all the living things from being harmed.    We sho某中学地理兴趣小组以北美洲为例探究“位置、地形、气候、河流、农业之间的关系”,请你与该小组一起完成探究,回答下列问题。探究主题:位置、地形、气候、河流和农业之间的关系.探究资料:北美洲地形图及剖面图;北美洲气候类型图。探究过程:(1)北美洲的纬度位置。(2)读北美洲地形图和地形剖面图,归纳北美洲地形的特点和地势特点。(3)受纬度位置、海陆位置和地形等因素的综合影响,北美洲气候具有哪些特点? (4)A地多年平均各月气温和降水量图可以判断大洲西岸A处为 气候。该气候分布南北狭长的原因。(5)密西西比河西侧支流的流向是 ,该河流域最适宜布局的农业部门是 ,从因地制宜的角度来分析这样分布的原因。探究结论:位置、地形、气候、河流、农业各要素之间是相互影响的。
英语 试题推荐